Rental Inquiry Rental Inquiry Form The following information will help us to accurately quote your rental. Please provide as much information as possible. Contact Information First Name: Last Name: Email: Phone: Billing Information Company Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Event Name: Event Location (If Delivery and/or Pickup are required) Venue Name: Venue Address: Venue City: Venue State: Venue Zip Code: Delivery Information: Timeline, location, contact, etc: Schedule Equipment Pickup Date: Equipment Return Date: When is the show: Description or event equipment list: What equipment would you like to rent? Hint, please include any helpful information including any of the following: List of specific equipment you need. What type of event is this? General problem you are trying to solve? Are your dates subject to change? What is the budget? Is this the same event as last year? -Job number from last year? -Any changes from last year? Other? Δ